Preparing For Christmas - Part 4

Jan 3, 2024    Pastor Marc Williamson

As we look back at the birth of Christ, we’re reminded that Christmas isn’t about all of the external accoutrements; & while they’re nice they’re not necessary. Ladies & gentlemen, if you strip away the trappings from the way we celebrate Christmas today, you discover that the reason for the celebration which should carry on beyond Christmas is what Mary held in her arms on that first Christmas. The meaning, purpose, & joy of Christmas, & the Christian’s life, are all wrapped up in one name which defines the essence of our celebration—that name is Emmanuel which means “GOD with us.” Jesus Christ is GOD with us; & having Him at the center of our thoughts & worship is the purpose of it all; however, many tend to lose sight of that. Similarly, the perception of what it means to be a true Christian is lost in our Biblically shallow culture. Tonight, we get to peel away the materialistic veneer so that we can see what the coming of Christ should truly mean to a believer by considering Mary’s experience when the angel Gabriel appeared to her to announce the Incarnation of GOD’s Son.